The HarpBeats

Harmonica Trio Extraordinaire featuring Chris Bauer, with George and Janalyn Miklas

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Chris Bauer, George Miklas, and Janalyn Miklas 

have teamed up to preserve the 

20th Century musical phenomenon known as the 

Golden Age of the harmonica trio, 

working to promote, advance, and include

 the harmonica into all 21st Century genre

Chris Bauer was born and raised on New York’s Long Island, and was surrounded by the harmonica since his father had a harmonica trio of his own. He started playing at age nine and began appearing with his father’s trio by thirteen.  At sixteen, Chris placed third in a worldwide harmonica competition and in 1987, placed fourth in a field of 27 at the International Harmonica Federation competition, both times finishing as the highest placed American harmonica player. Playing harmonica for 40 years, his performance and recording experiences are diverse including jazz gigs, harmonica trios, church worship bands, production library tracks, even recording “Mack the Knife” with a reggae band! He performs and gives harmonica technique seminars at many festivals around the country. “Bauer is an excellent harmonica player…with a free sense of swing and joy.” -Downbeat Magazine


George Miklas was born and raised in Youngstown, Ohio, where his father played the harmonica in the home, on camping trips, and literally everywhere that the family went.   His dad surrendered a harmonica to George at four years old, but it wasn’t until he was ten that he began studying with other harmonica players.  At eleven, he discovered chromatic and orchestral harmonicas and fell in love—it’s been a lifelong love affair ever since. At 12 years old, George met Jerry Murad and told him, “Someday I will play on stage with you.”  During high school George developed his skills playing all of the harmonicas, diatonic, chromatic, chord, and bass, playing with the harmonica trio Keep On Harpin’ which had an eclectic sound melting blues and folk together.  At nineteen, George joined Jerry Murad’s Harmonicats playing the Hohner 48 Chord for a year.  After finishing music school, George joined Murad again playing the Hohner Double Bass until Jerry’s death in 1996. “George Miklas plays the world's largest harmonica and handles it with the agility of a cat!" -DesMoines Register.


Janalyn Miklas was born and raised in Mercer County Pennsylvania, where both of her parents played the harmonica at home, on camping trips, in churches, and literally everywhere that the family went.  Being a third generation harmonica player in her family, she received her first harmonica at three years old.  At five years old, she was performing with her parents on many church concerts.  At nine years old, her interest in harmonica trio grew.  At eleven, she went on the big stage performing Peg O My Heart with Dick Gardner and George Miklas (former Harmonicats) and Chris Bauer.  At fifteen, Janalyn was presented with a Performance Scholarship by Hohner Inc. to attend and perform at the 2013 World Harmonica Festival in Trossingen Germany.  At sixteen, she was named "2014 Rising Legend" by the National Traditional Country Music Association (NTCMA).  “George and Janalyn represent the second- and third-generation, respectively, in a family of harmonica players.” -The Record Argus.


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The HarpBeats will attend 

The 2016 APHF

Asia Pacific Harmonica Festival 

in Taipei City, Taiwan