from PSALMS 98:4-5


Miklas Music Ministry

George, Jodi, Janalyn and Caleb

The Miklas’ will minister to your congregation with their testimony, and music from across several genres including gospel hymns, Southern Gospel, praise/worship choruses, and Contemporary Christian Music.  You'll hear singing in addtion to the many instruments including harmonicas, ukuleles, euphoniums, flute and piano.


The Miklas' will feature the World's Largest and Smallest Harmonicas.  Both Jodi and George play the 2 foot long harmonica and move all around on it with ease. George is featured playing one-inch mini harmonica, with no hands.  He manipulates the instrument between his lips as he plays Count Your Many Blessings, Jesus Loves Me and The B-I-B-L-E.   Jodi is featured with her sheer vocal presence, which will surely touch the hearts of many.  The Miklas Family, focusing on praising Jesus Christ, will leave your congregation singing praises.


GEORGE MIKLAS holds Bachelor's of Music degree in Education--band and orchestral music and Master's degree in Special Education. George’s lifelong passion has been the Harmonica.  He has performed professionally with Jerry Murad's Harmonicats and remains active as a professional performing artist and entertainer, and harmonica repair technician.  Additionally, George plays the Tuba/Euphonium, Bass Guitar, and Ukulele.  He is an active member of the worship team at the Grove City Alliance Church. 

JODI MIKLAS, is a college graduate and has a Bachelor's of Music Education degree with an emphasis in vocal performance and choral conducting. While in college, Jodi spent her summers with ministry teams, which traveled in U.S., Australia, and New Zealand.  Jodi is an active member of the worship team at the Grove City Alliance Church.

JANALYN MIKLAS, is a high school student who very involved.  She is very active young musician, seeming to follow in her parents' footsteps.   She plays the piccolo and oboe in the high school bands, sings in the chorale, and is a member of the speech team and National Honor Society.  In 2010 she came out on the big stage playing the harmonica solo, Peg 'O My Heart, for an audience of discriminating harmonica players at the S.P.A.H. International Harmonica Convention in Minneapolis Minnesota.  Janalyn is an active member of the youth worship team at the Grove City Alliance Church.  We are very proud to feature her many talents in our gospel presentations. 

CALEB MIKLAS, is an elementary school student.  He is learning to play the harmonica and euphonium (baritone horn).  He plays in his elementary school band, and is a member of the Academic Games Team at his school.  Caleb has performed at TubaChristmas concerts since 2007.  Caleb's talents add a unique dimension to our presentations.


The merging of Jodi's and George's lives actually began on stage. They met backstage while performing for a full house on the largest stage between New York and Chicago in New Castle, PA. After an exchange of smiles and phone numbers, it was obvious that God had set the "stage" for their lives to be together.   God has allowed George and Jodi to uniquely blend their talents and abilities to share through testimony and music the ministry, which God has placed so deep in their hearts.


The Miklas’ are available for concerts and would be delighted to come to your church, revival, picnic, wedding, or banquet. For more details including availability, please contact us by using the CONTACT button.
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Ebenezer Presbyterian Church, Sandy Lake, Pennsylvania
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Alton Bible Church, Lowell, Michigan
Mercer Community Band Stand, Pennsylvania
Guernsey Gospel Sing, Cambridge, Ohio

Here are two videos from years ago.